28 January 2009

Happiness that Money can buy

I was thinking of what will be a good topic to kick start the first blog entry for the Niu (Cow) year... I thought my current charity efforts may be a good reflection area. What are the charities you are supporting or community services you are offering? And what are your reflections that you can share with me on these aspects?

It's kind of funny to bring back old memories to do my reflection. I can still vividly remember that 3 years ago, I was always avoiding those volunteers selling flags for charity organisations. The real reason was because every dollar counts for me as my financial situation was not so favourable. I had to think so hard, even for a $1 donation. I told myself this was not the situation I wanted to be in always. So I had to change. And I had changed, and I am glad, it's for the better in my opinion. :-D

After a few years of personal financial planning and executing my plans, I'd managed to develop the excess capacity to do monetary donations to charity organisation on a periodical basis. I can still remember the first time when I am able to offer monetary donation to one of the charity organisation, on a super willing basis, the type of blissfulness that money can buy. Since then, I am offering monetary donations to 2 local charities on a routine basis. This was an achievement for me.

Just last year december, I offered a small lump sum to an co-operative that helps in-mates find a new life. I was told my donations will be able to help a few hundreds in-mates, whom may be unable to pay for the membership fees to join the co-operative. I am glad I did that donation. :-)

The charities that I am supporting currently are:

Industrial and Services Co-operative Society (ISCOS) - Latest support accorded

I thought my donation to ISCOS was a good stepping stone for me to dwell deeper into what other aspects of community services I can contribute further to make this country a better place to live in and also add more meaning to life itself. Maybe I can explore contributing my time and effort rather than just monetary support? :-P

What are the charities you are supporting or community services you are offering? And what are your reflections that you can share with me on these aspects?



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