17 September 2007

Law of Attraction - Michael Losier

I bought a copy of this book, Law of Attraction - The Secret behind The Secret, written by Michael Losier, after my trusted friend and financial planner, Sherman Kelvin Dass, recommended it to me.

Michael Losier employs NLP to coach readers on how to apply the Law of Attraction (LoA), since 1996. He has been an activist on this subject since. There is more to just NLP. Physics is involved. So the subject has become a science!

This is an easy-to-follow How-To book. Simple to read, exercises are easy to follow.

I'd attempted to map a concept out of the book's content. To understand the details, you will still have to read the book yourself.

In short, I agree with the author that this book has mass appeal.


"When I Stop Learning, I Stop Living."

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