15 April 2009

Wealth Creation Principle

After 3 years of studying the rich people, I came to a conclusion on a wealth creation principle:



In translation, the mandrian text above states that:

Wealth Creation Principle:

"Do a good deed everyday,
Open new sources of revenue, Plug your wealth leakages."

It is indeed true that most of the wealthy people I know, are not stingy at all. In fact, they are the most generous when comes to charitable donations and activities.

This group of rich people has a commonality... they have the Skills, Knowledge and Experience to create new sources of revenue to fill up their piggy banks. At the same time, they are prudent on what they spend on.

They are crystal clear on their concept to get rich.

So what's your concept to become richer? Care to do a good deed today by sharing with me? ;-)

Good night!


"When I Stop Learning, I Stop living."


  1. Wow Lau! What a coincident! I spoke a couple years ago on a similar topic "The Secret of the Wealthy" and 开源节流 is exactly what I had said in the talk! I can show you the powerpoint slides the next time we meet. All I can say is great mind thinks alike! Not mine is great but yours is. :-)

  2. Wah Lau! Only Great Mind can see the other great minds! ;-)

    Thanks for the compliment Bro! :-)

    Will wait to see your slides.
